List of hours used on the project, so far :-)
Håkon & Harald & Torstein: Working like crazy to finish the documentation.
Håkon: Working on the documentation.
Harald: Wrote report, tested the use of InstallAnywhere. Made a few
bug fixes in The Gart.
Torstein: Made install script for Linux, wrote user's guide and documentation.
Håkon: Worked on the project report. Describing the different technologies and utilities used in the project development.
Harald: general bug fixing in GartCanvas, updated GartFooBar with shortcuts and canvas menu, wrote dtds for gartproject.xml and gartcomponents.xml. Added selectAll method to Canvas, and print method to GartGUI through gart.util.GartPrintFile (code from Sun...) Torstein: Fixed a number of smaller and bigger bugs in the GUI and the CodeParser. I also wrote a lot of Javadoc. Import of self written Java files, now work as own templates to Håkon: Finished comenting GartFontSelection and iGartFontMessenger. Fixed true/false bug in GartPropertyWindow. Started on the project report.
Harald: Updated gartcomponents.xml, finished javadoc for canvas, and toolbox. Added functionality on canvas for automatic scrolling when you are dragging, and goes outside current viewport.
Torstein: Worked like crazy to implement the keeping of user inserted code/comments into the Gart generated Java code. It now works perfectly with comments, code inserted is somewhat a little dismanteld, but still userful.
Håkon finished commenting GartPropertyWindow and started commenting GartFontSelection. Made the code more readable.
Harald finished align functions on canvas, and updated the popup menu. Generally worked on toolbox, canvas and gartcomponent... Håkon updated the web pages in general. Added two new summaries and updated the uml diagram.
Torstein: worked a lot on the SaveAs, Export Java and Import Java functions. Coding like crazy on the crawler to get the lates updates in the gartproject.DTD. Reverse engineering now works! Håkon got back from his exams.
Harald: finished recent-files thing in foo-bar, worked on general functionality, and bug fixing, and fixed grid/dot images for canvas in addition to images for the GartDialog Torstein: Worked on the Project Dialog. It's now possible to both use own defiend java file templates and open existing projects.
Torstein: Worked on the Project Dialog.
Torstein: Worked on the code parser. Solved a number of trickies regarding import of java files that the user has tinkered with.
Torstein: Worked on the CodeGenerator. Made GartGarbageCode objects for storing info about where in the code the user's "garbage" was inserted into the Gart generated java code. For use in reverse engineering. Fixed a little bit on the viewer and preferences dialog.
Harald: added refresh function to gartviewer, updated toolbox with info pane, added undo, redo, cut, copy and paste functionality to GartCanvas (not finished).
Torstein:Worked on the code generator. <gart:setup-method>: It's now possible to add comments, single line and multiline + java code that has nothing todo with what has been declared under <gart:global-variables> and get them back after new codegeneration.
Harald: Fixed a few error-checking bugs in GartPropertyWindow, a few in GartCanvas, added grid to Canvas, made some thoughts on the templates we will distribute with the Gart, and generally tested most functions currently implemented...
Torstein: worked a little bit all over the place today.
Especially on the preferences window. The setting of
properties in runtime -> effect etc.
Harald: kept working on logic concerning multiple selection,
alignment and other user-interactive cores on the canvas.
-worked on misc. bugs during first half of day, luckily all were fixed.
-continued working on the logic concerning multiple selections and aligning/deleting
Torstein: worked a lot on the toolbar and the menubar. Beautifying it :-) Fixed an OS bug in the codegenerator and made some workaround in viewer.
-updated toolbox, no awt components are now used on the toolbox, this fixed
problem with tooltiptext and menus falling behind other components
-added multiple selection on the GartCanvas, all logic is NOT FINISHED;)
-added icon functionality to GartComponent
Torstein: Worked on the toolbar, menubar, project and viewer. Sewing some of it together.
Torstein: Worked on the toolbar.
Making it all compile again, changed some OS specific things, into OS independent.
Torstein: worked on the CodeGenerator. xml2java(), it should be pretty finished now. Started on the java2xml() and it's about 60-70*% finished. Harald and Håkon worked on binding the GartToolbox, GartCanvas and the GartPropertyWindow together. Thereby sending propertyarrays back and forth, and updating values in GartComponents on the GartCanvas.
Torstein: worked on the CodeGenerator. xml2java().
Torstein: worked on the CodeGenerator. Had some serious talks with Håkon and Harald :-)
Harald: worked with Håkon on making the GartCanvas, GartPropertyWindow and GartToolBox work together. Wrote javadoc for GartCanvas and the interfaces used by GartGUI.
Torstein: At last, I got the XML crawler to work. Agreed on some good component property string design with Harald.
Torstein: had some quarells with the XML Crawler. Quite frustrating really. Discussed some XML design with Harald.
Torstein: worked with the GartXMLCrawler. It's pretty much finished now, atlthough it needs some tuning in order to get it to play along with the other Gart components :-) Updated website.
p Håkon: Worked on how to send component updates from GartCanvas to GartPropertyWindow. Added iGartCanvasMessenger method sendCanvasMessage() to GartGUI. Started on stringrepresentation of the GartComponent class. Added simple WindowListener to GartGUI for clean shutdown of the program. Torstein: continued with the XML crawler.
torstein: started on a generic class for XML handling. GartXMLCrawler. It is to be used by different classes that need to crawl a DOM tree. Also added a jaxp install script to the tree. Updated our account at Sourceforge. Håkon implemented an OS independent file/path method.
harald: continued on the work with binding GartCanvas, GartToolBox, GartPropertyWindow and GartComponent together. made uml sequence diagram for the binding. continued to work with the xml files needed by the binding. torstein: changed the GUI from being totally null based with panels to use a nested JSplitPane. Also, aded a toolbar component, so now it can look cool to!
harald: continued on the work with binding GartCanvas, GartToolBox, GartPropertyWindow and GartComponent together. started to work on the xml files needed by the binding.
torstein: Continued to mesh the different classes used initially by The Gart. The preferences window now works as intended, with syncronization towards the gart/etc/gartconfig.xml file. Håkon updated the web pages. harald: started binding GartCanvas, GartToolBox, GartPropertyWindow and GartComponent together.
torstein: worked on the GartPreferencesDialog. Håkon updated the UML-class diagram. harald: still working on the GartCanvas
Håkon worked on the GartPropertyWindow class.
Håkon worked on the GartFontSelection class. How to return string representation of the font properties selected.
Torstein: Worked with the transfer of properties between the different files. Håkon continued working on the FontSelection class and how to return font properties to the GartPropertyWindow.
Håkon created a FontSelection dialog for choosing different font properties. It appears that null layout comes with a lot of scrolling difficulties. Struggled a bit with that too. No solution found yet. Torstein: worked on miscellaneous sewing.
torstein:Continued to mesh all the different startup classes. Completed the configution swoop in the Gart, it is now configured by the etc/gartconfig.xml file. Started meshing the GUI classes and the "ground workers".
torstein:Oktober worked on the GartPreferenencesWindow, finishing it up. Started to mesh all the different startup classes. Hå worked on the GartPropertyWindow class and implemented string representation of a few property types. Gave up on the GridBagLayout and changed it to null layout.
torstein: updated the UML diagram,
worked on GartProject/Dialog and some CVS issues.
harald: continued working on GartCanvas and GartComponent.
Got the canvas to behave better today:)
Haakon worked on the GartPropertyWindow class and struggled
with the GridBagLayout in both Windows and Linux.
Continued the implementation. Worked on the property window, dialog functionality, the gart components, the gart canvas and the project dialog.
Continued the implementation. Worked on the property window, the gart components and the project dialog.
Started implementing drag'n drop, GartFooBar, GartViewer and GartPropertyWindow. Finished GartFileHandler.
Set up Java with swing, and Emacs with JDE. Made a shell script for installing the different JDE packages and a configuring Emacs to load and use them. Started programming, GartConfigurator, iGartConfig, GartFileHandler, GartFooBar and GartPropertyWindow.
Had a short project meeting, discussing the road ahead with focus on the implementation. Made a UML sequence diagram on how the Gart will react when initialising a new project. Thus getting a feel of what classes will be needed in the beginning and what we will be needing to focus on in the beginning of the implementation. Used a lot of time setting the different clients up, with remote CVS access and Emacs.
Continued with DTDs. Finished setting up the server. Had a project meeting with Børre, where we discussed central problems concerning reverse engineering, representation of java files contra xml, and other topics from our features list. Took a finalizing discussion on these topics and updated the features list with our new decision.
Started on setting up debian server. Continued with the DTDs.
Improved the gartcomponents DTD and wrote sample XML. Expanded and documented the UML diagram. Explored how to execute Python from within Java, got a hint to the java.lang.runtime class. Updated website, added a few 'lastmodified' scripts in Python. Discussed program design. Started working on DTDs.
Made a list of features that The Gart will support and what it will not support. Worked with the DTD for the graphical components to be used when creating GUIs in the Gart. Discussed how to design the XML structures and DTDs. Wrote project log.
First project meeting with Oh Great Professor, Børre Stenseth. Got project approval from the college administation. Recruited new project member, Harald Tolleshaug -welcome on the team Harald! Had a project briefing for Harald.
Continued with website. Prepared for the first real project meeting tomorrow with Børre Stenseth. Made sketches, designed UML diagram and The Gart logo.
Designed website, uploaded it to Sourceforge. Finished pre project report, discussed different aspects of developing the Gart. Made proposals for a Gart logo.
Wrote the "Pre project report", registered the project on Sourceforge and applied for an account there. Discussed and agreed on miscellaneous procedures on how we were to work with the different parts of the project.
First project meeting. A lot of discussions and brainstorming. Made numerous skethces and request lists. Talked to different people about how to implement the Gart. Agreed on development procedures.