
This is a list of features in The Gart. All the features are ordered by priority. 1st priority features are vital parts of The Gart and will be implemented, while 2nd priority features migth be included during the project evolution.

The Gart will use XML for representing which graphic components will be available, for configuration of the Gart, for representation of the GUI (made in Gart), and the user's preferences.

Reverse engineering of java code generated by The Gart. The Gart will always work on a XML representation of the GUI, and will feature parsers for xml2java, and java2xml.

The Gart will generate a java file, with flags defining code-parts, which are Gart dependent. A java file can be reversly engineered, but only code parts within flags will be extracted, and updated in the java file. This means that you can come back to Gart (import your java file) and add to/update the GUI without affecting the rest of your java code. The java file will then work as a template for The Gart, and a new xml representation of your GUI is generated. This can be illustrated:

Reverse Engineering illustration

1st priority

2nd priority

The Gart will not:

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