Hellekjær is one of the few Mac users at Østfold College and we hoped he could give us some answers conserning Mac and Java development, as well as give us an introduction to the Mac world.
Since Hellekjær works at the faculty for English at Østfold College, he has little knowledge of what Java developers need. Never the less he is an expert in using Mac.
We ( Torstein and Håkon ) got an introduction to how Mac users work and how the window system is buildt up. Hellekjær downloaded a program and showed us how easy it is to install new applications on Mac.
He told us that after using Mac OS X for a while he went back to OS 9.1 because OS X still lacks support for numerous applications.
We also tried to download and install jdk for Mac, but was unable to find jdk for classic Mac OS. One of the biggest differences we found between Windows, Linux and Mac is the absens of a text console on Mac.
We decided to look further into the Mac java bit later on during the project development.