Project meeting 30.08.2001
- Attendants:
- Børre Stenseth
- Torstein Krause Johansen
- Håkon A. Jensen
We discussed the features of The Gart, their importance
and how to implement them. Børre Stenseth made
us aware of a few problems that might occure later on
in the project. Here's a list of what we discussed.
The Gart will run under both MS Windows and Linux.
The visibility of components placed on top of each other.
Does the GUI components need a visibility rank propertie?
How to start the default editor in both Windows and Linux.
Do we have to use the swing classes or can we entierly
rely on java 1.1 and awt.
How to execute python-files from Java.
How to set the classpath in The Gart.
How to link exsisting java code with a Gart GUI.